Explore Our Fabrics

Discover Luxury and Quality

At IFC Bangkok, we take pride in offering a diverse selection of high-quality fabrics sourced from renowned international mills. Whether you’re looking for the timeless elegance of wool, the luxurious feel of silk, or the comfort of cotton, our extensive collection ensures you’ll find the perfect material for your custom tailored garment.

Superior Craftsmanship

Timeless, high-quality garments crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

Wide Fabric Selection

Luxurious international fabrics for every occasion and style.

Types of Fabrics

How We Work



Meet with our style consultants to discuss your requirements, preferences, and any specific details you desire.



A preliminary fitting allows us to make any necessary adjustments for optimal comfort and appearance.



Receive your impeccably tailored product, ready to make you look and feel your best.

Elevate your style with our professional tailoring service. get started now.

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